The State Bar has been notified of a recent scam in which the identify of a Texas attorney, who had not practiced in years, was used to set up a fake law firm website using the attorney’s maiden name, former office address, and portions of her professional biography. Yesterday, the State Bar received a call from one of our current members regarding the use of her name and professional information to solicit legal work. You should be on the alert. If you become aware of the same, or a similar, situation involving your name/law firm you should immediately contact local authorities to report the incident. Additionally, you should contact the Office of Disciplinary Council to advise them of the situation. The ODC does not have the authority to pursue non-lawyers. However, the ODC should be on notice of the incident if a potential victim, who mistakenly thinks that you are their lawyer, files a claim against you. Lastly, be sure to closely monitor your credit report or bank accounts to ensure that your identity is not the only thing being stolen.