By now you should have received information concerning your membership dues for fiscal year 2012-2013 and for completion of your Financial Responsibility Disclosure and IOLTA reporting requirements. For the first time, dues payments can be made online by credit card. Click Here for a link for further instructions on online submission. Assistance in completing the forms online can be obtained by contacting Mike Mellace (304-558-8920 or mellacem@wvbar.org) at the Bar.
The online or paper forms, should you choose to use them, must be returned no later than September 1, 2012. Members’ forms received postmarked after September 1, 2012, are subject to separate $25 late penalty fees for both dues and FRD. On line reporting also has a September 1, 2012, due date with penalty assessments for both dues payments and FRD reports received after that date. For questions regarding membership or FRD please contact Cheryl Petty at membership@wvbar.org / 304-558-0828 or Anita Casey at caseya@wvbar.org / 304-558-7993.
Failure to comply with payment of dues and FRD reporting will result in an automatic suspension from active membership in The State Bar. While there is no requirement for West Virginia lawyers to have professional liability insurance, there is a requirement to disclose whether or not you have insurance. Your Financial Responsibility Disclosure information is made available to the public both on the website and by calling The State Bar offices. NOTE: Members who are on “active but not practicing” status, do not have to comply with the mandatory FRD and IOLTA reporting requirements.
In addition to dues and FRD reporting, beginning with fiscal year 2012-13, members will be required to do their IOLTA Reporting. This combined reporting will make the collection of IOLTA information easier and more accurate. Any questions regarding completion of your IOLTA Reporting form should be directed to Anita Casey at caseya@wvbar.org
The website www.wvdv.net is a development website that we are currently using to roll out phase one of our new membership database. Please be advised that www.wvdv.net is not fradulent and support@wvbar.org is an email address that will be sending you information.