A vacancy on the Board of Governors for District 3 has occurred. It is the decision of the State Bar Board of Governors that the vacancy should be filled by election of the members from that District. The member elected will serve until April of 2019.
Consistent with the bylaws for regular elections, nominations for the Board will be by written petition signed by not less than 10 members of District 3. Nominees must be active or active but not practicing members who have their principal office for the practice of law in District 3. The counties comprising District 3 are Calhoun, Gilmer, Ritchie, Wirt and Wood.
A nominating petition is included. A copy of the nominating petition can also be found on The State Bar website under the For Attorneys tab, under Forms. When signed by the requisite number of members, the petition must be received, by mail, email or fax no later than midnight December 7, 2017, by the Executive Director of The West Virginia State Bar, 2000 Deitrick Boulevard, Charleston, WV 25311-1231; caseya@wvbar.org; or fax 304.553.7228. If multiple copies of the petition are used, they must be sent together. At least one petition must bear the signature and acceptance of nomination by the member being nominated. Note that Article IV, Section 6, of the bylaws states, in pertinent part: No member shall sign more than one nominating petition in any year.
The new Board member will be required to attend all Board of Governor meetings through April of 2019, including the meeting of January 19, 2018.
If I may provide you with additional information about the Board of Governors and its activities, or about the election process,please do not hesitate to Anita Casey at 304.553.7228 or by email at caseya@wvbar.org.