Chair – Debra Scudiere
Chair, Education Subcommittee – Thomas G. Steele
The Honorable Michael J. Aloi
Stephen D. Annand
Forrest A. Bowen
Anne C. Blankenship
J. Jarrod Jordan
Drew M. Capuder
Mary Kate Coleman
Krista Conway
Daniel C. Cooper
Jamison H. (Jami) Cooper
Scott A. Curnutte
Holly G. DiCocco
Teresa J. Dumire
Frederick B. Goldsmith
Michele W. Good
Monica Nassif Haddad
Ann L. Haight
Jill E. Hall
Judy E. Hamilton
Jane E. Harkins
Elliot G. Hicks
Shannon Huggens
Heather Heiskell Jones
Kevin B. Kemerer
Robert B. Kuenzel
Robb O. Livengood
Gerald (Gee) E. Lofstead, III
Rebecca A. Mathews
Allison McClure
John F. McCuskey
Edward D. McDevitt
Michael McDowell
Beth R. Minear
Jeffrey W. Molenda
Brian Moore
Donald B. O’Dell
Frank A. Oliverio
Thomas Patrick
Jenna H. Perkins
R. Lyne Ranson
Will Rhee
The Honorable James J. Rowe
Sean J. Sawyer
Lynnette Simon Marshall
Shannon P. Smith
Charles R. (Chuck) Steele
Donald L. Stennett
Robert M. Steptoe, Jr.
Deborah Y. Vandervort
Brenda A. Waugh
The Honorable Christopher C. Wilkes
Stephen J. Dalesio
Julie A. Moore
Mark Robinson